Email is a key communication tool in today’s scenario. If you communicate via email, your email signature stands as an important element of message to a consumer with your brand product & services.
Email signature is more than just a name and job title! It is a part of your personal branding.
A good email signature is simple, useful, and professional and puts the information in the front. You can use it to ask referrals, advertise an upcoming event, or show testimonials.
Here are 8 email signature examples from business professionals across the globe…
1) Use Hierarchy of Design
Good design is about displaying your information in an easily digestible manner. Your email signature will include a hierarchy of design to balance content, type and images. Use bold, capped and colored type that direct readers’ eyes to what they should be seeing first.An example of a signature design with some strong hierarchy is this piece by Mailbird that scales the email author’s name up so that it attracts the most attention.
2) Tell your Product Offerings or Discounts
You are sending thousands of emails to your customers every year. It is the best way to promote an upcoming sale or discount offers. Also include about your new services offerings and pricing packages too.For example, Global Inc’s Finance Manager -Andres Mitchel displaying the personal hands-on consulting benefits.
3) Include your Company Logo
You can use your company’s logo. Don’t use photo and logo at the same time; it makes your signature too tiring and confusion.Your email signature format should go well with the size and orientation of your logo.
For example, here’s how DSIM’s Founder uses his company logo in an impressive way.
4) Take in Call-to-action
Use calls-to-action in our signatures to get recipients clicking and sharing our content. This is a line of text that encourages your recipient to take action. The action you want them to take could be just about anything: schedule a demo, attend an event, download an ebook, etc.For example, here’s how Corehr’s very own Oliver Shiel encourages people to get the eBook in the last line of her signature.
5) Incorporate Social media profiles
Social Media provides the way for your readers to connect with you that can be an important part of building business relationship.If you include social media contact information, the social media accounts you link to should be professional. Link to your social media channels using icons signifying each site’s logo.
Check out this email signature example from Michael Bench Hanson – Senior Software Developer form Google’s Map. He uses many different social media channels in his day-to-day role to connect with potential audiences, so it naturally makes sense to include them all as points of contact.
6) Add a Photo
People remember visuals better than text. Images will draw attention and add visual interest.But there’s a certain kind of image that can make your email signature especially memorable.
You can easily add a photo to give your business email signature more impact, personality and impressiveness.
Check out this example from Yesware’s Content Marketing & Engagement Bernie Reeder:
7) Design for Mobile
People access their emails on their phone, so when you choose your email signature to keep this in mind. Select a design and graphic elements that are mobile-friendly.Ensure your text is large enough to be read on mobile screens. And, if you’re including links or CTAs, make sure they’re space out enough for readers to click with their fingers.
Check out the example below, and note how much space there is between different clickable elements like the social media icons. These are great for tapping with your finger on a mobile screen so that users don’t accidentally tap on the Facebook icon when they meant to go to Twitter.
8) Include Video
Video is the most powerful form of content when it comes to building personal connections.Establishing a real connection with words is difficult. If people are able to see your face and maybe learn about your interests, you have a better chance of gaining their faith.
About DSIM:
Delhi School of Internet Marketing’ is a premier Digital Marketing Institute that offers an all-in-one advanced digital marketing course in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Delhi, Pune all over India. To know DSIM in detail, you can log on to its website/read DSIM reviews accessible on the web.Source: 8 Conversion-optimized Email Signature Examples (At No Cost)
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