Friday, 28 July 2017

11 Lead Form Examples You Need To 10x Your Conversion

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Lead generation pages are designed precisely for the purpose of capturing personal information, used further to nurture that prospect down your marketing funnel.

Below are 11 of the best lead capture forms, from which you can steal great design tactics to make yours high-converting.

#1 TopTal

TopTal is a site for hiring the top 1% of developers and designers. It has one of the best lead capture forms.

Their form has no distractions, is well-designed, and follows to all of the usual conversion optimization best practices. It uses conditional logic to ask different questions to different users based on your previous answers.

During the entire process, it supports trust signals such as their phone number and client list.

#2 Unmetric

The good stuff about this form is the form and CTA are both colors contrasting, which helps draw the visitor’s attention to that exact part of the page. Company symbols at the bottom of the page establish trust and validity.

#3 U Test

This page does a great job in boosting visitors to sign up. With so strong statements of benefit ‘Earn Money On Your Own Schedule’, you would certainly be willing to spend a little time in filling in the form.

#4 iPro Academy

iPro Academy did well in their lead generation forms.

The headline indicates you’ll get powerful industry trade reports that not even professional advertisers know.

This form is encouraging visitors to download the material with the clear CTA ‘Download Now’. The copy below the CTA button indicates that your information is completely safe.

#5 Litmus

In this form, there’s only one form field, so you don’t have to give up too much to get the email report in return. The copy is inclusive, but brief — allowing you know all the benefits of downloading the report.


DSIM is another great example of a company standing out among the crowd with a well-executed lead generation form. The “Google Partner” badge aligns the business with one of the most recognized brands in internet marketing. The CTA button lets prospects know what will happen after they convert on the form. The copy concisely explains all the benefits of attending 2 hours demo.

#7 BounceExchange

BounceExchange’s lead generation form is another impressively-designed, example of how you can collect leads without using the usual boring form designs. In combination with the clear call to actions button, and a refined progress bar, make this lead generation form performs particularly well.

#8 SingleGrain

A strong headline visibly highlights the reasons to submit your information on this lead generation landing page. A bright, bold button draws the attention of the user. Here is a fabulously designed form with just one field that does it all, plus engaging colors and contrasts – highly converting combo.

#9 WordStream

Another best example of landing page example, the headline promises a grade in just one minute. You can’t compete with results that quickly. There’s only one form field on this page that the client needs to complete to get their AdWords grade.

#10 Infusionsoft

 Infusionsoft is another hero of conversions with simple and concise lead generation form. The copy is super brief, displaying the benefits of using sales & marketing automation. The Company badges of well-known companies create trust.

#11 Datanyze

In Datanyze, the lead generation form slides in from the side of the screen when you click ‘request a demo’. Catchy headline, clear CTA button, and fields that take less than 2 minutes to fill in – good layout!

Steal all the good tips from these above-mentioned examples, and you can create your lead generation landing page from “good” to “great” that converts.

About DSIM: 

Delhi School of Internet Marketing is India’s Premier Digital Marketing Training Institute delivering training to professionals, entrepreneurs and job-seekers, The institute offers an all-in-one advanced digital  marketing course in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Delhi, Pune all over India. making individuals learn how to do marketing online.

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